girl holding her hands in the sunset in the shape of a heart, Tips for Effective Self-Care as a Caregiver blog, mental health, locke counseling and consulting, katy texas 77494
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Tips for Effective Self-Care as a Caregiver

By: Dorothy Watson There’s little doubt that being a caregiver can wear you down. When you deplete your mental and physical reserves, your ability to care for your loved one also shrinks. That’s why caregivers need self-care. It may sound complicated or frivolous, but adding simple changes can make a difference in how you feel and…

An African American family in the kitchen spending quality time together. Represents the need for family therapy to learning parenting tips in Katy, TX 77494

Parenting Tips for 2021

By: Margie Frisco, UHV Practicum Student Do you find yourself looking up parenting tips? Parenting can be difficult! However, with a few easy to follow tips, the journey could be better in 2021.  Last year was a crazy and unpredictable situation.  Parenting is stressful enough, but throw in becoming an instant teacher along with the…

A Healthy Foundation for a Healthy Relationship

A Healthy Foundation for a Healthy Relationship

By: Margie Frisco, UHV Practicum Student Do you have a healthy relationship? There are times when you might want to make sure the foundation of your relationship is healthy.  This will help you make your relationship stronger and be able to withstand any arguments that might arise.  Sometimes you need help repairing the foundation.  Sometimes…

A couple looking at one another. The man has experienced increased anxiety due to Covid. His wife is learning how to understand her partner's anxiety and how treatment can help.

How To Cope With Your Partner’s Anxiety

By: Margie Frisco, Practicum Student Having trouble coping with your partner’s anxiety? In these days and times, it is easy to let the unknown bring extra anxiety to life.  Anxiety affects roughly 40 million adults within the United States.  Many of these individuals are in a relationship.  The addition of anxiety can bring more stress…

Girl sitting on couch looking away. Represents the need for teen therapy for teen depression in katy, tx. Also represents the need for teen depression treatment in houston, tx.

Is It Depression or Just a Phase: Spotting the Signs of Teen Depression

By: Jason Drake, LCSW The teen years can be a challenging time for a teen. It’s a phase of life filled with complicated emotions and experiences. This is the period of a person’s life where they are breaking out and searching for their own identity separate from their parents. They explore their own values and…