Are you looking to make your relationship exciting? Sometimes in a relationship you might feel stuck and want to bring more fun and spontaneity. The daily grind can leave you feeling like you want more from your relationship. Or you could have been with your partner for a long time, and might need to spice things up. That might feel like a lot to handle. You might even feel like the relationship takes a lot work and effort. A few small steps can help a couple feel more connected and ready to engage with their partner. Not to worry, below are some easy ways you can try to spice up your relationship.
A Few Ways to Keep Your Relationship Exciting
Date Night
Life can seem overwhelming at times. There can be many moving parts or sometimes date night can be forgotten or left out to make room for other things. It is very important to make sure your relationship thrives. In order to do that you must make time to nurture that relationship. A routine date night is an easy way to help keep the relationship strong. Now a date night can look different for each couple. This can be an activity, dinner, or even at home. The important thing is that there is time for you both to communicate with each other. The more effort you put into the relationship the stronger it will be.
Leave a Note
It can be easy to forget to acknowledge your partner in a special way. You can forget to say what you like about them or what you admire. It is easy to take things for granite. To help keep the spark alive in a relationship leave a note for your partner. This note can be left anywhere you think they will see it. The note can say whatever you want it to say. Keep in mind, the meaning of the note is to let your partner feel loved and appreciated. For example, you can write Hey Beautiful/Handsome! You could even write a longer more personalized note. You can really make this something you like too!
Now not everyone is perfect. Our partners can and will make mistakes. We are all human. It can even be frustrating for you. But it is very important to show your partner compassion. If your partner makes a mistake, showing them anger and frustration might lead to more heartache and headaches. Showing some compassion and loving acceptance, it can help your partner feel like they can come to you and confide in you.
Find Out What makes Them Happy
Everyone has a different perspective. Some people find a hug, kiss, or touch as the best way to show affection. Some people find doing kind acts like taking out the trash or doing the laundry show others that they care. Get to know what your partner looks for when they want to feel loved. You can even ask them directly. Once you know what makes them feel loved, do it. This can not only help your partner feel loved but bring you both to feel more connected.
Keep the relationship alive by changing things up. Do what makes your partner happy without letting them know. For example, have a romantic meal prepared for the two of you. If you have children, find a baby sitter and have a spontaneous date night. If your partner likes it when you do something for them, do it without them asking. This could even be a small thing, like text or call them randomly just to say hi or you love them.
It can be hard to put in the extra effort when you feel your plate is full. Keep in mind, putting extra effort into your relationship can truly help your partner. If they succeed and feel better, you both win.
Begin Couples Counseling To Keep Your Relationship Exciting In Katy, TX
If you are ready to spice up your relationship, Cheri can help! She provides counseling to individual men, women, and couples. To begin counseling in Katy, TX follow these three steps:
- Contact the office to set up an appointment or to get more information about counseling for couples.
- Meet with Cheri.
- Find ways to improve your relationship!
The therapists at Locke Counseling and Consulting are dedicated to helping people with their mental health needs. Counseling is a way to help you and your family to grow and develop in a healthy way. Sessions can be held in person or via Telehealth. We are here for you!
Other Therapy Services
Cheri offers counseling services for adult individuals including: anxiety treatment, depression treatment, relationship help, and divorce recovery. She specializes in couples therapy and helps with specific issues such as: infidelity, intimacy and sexual health, and parenting. Cheri strives to regularly post blogs with helpful information on a variety of mental health topics. To learn more about Cheri and her counseling services, please contact Locke Counseling and Consulting today!