The information in this article is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional mental health advice. If you’re struggling with any of the topics discussed, please reach out to a qualified mental health professional or contact us for a consultation. If you are in crisis, call 911, contact a local crisis line, or go to the nearest hospital for immediate support.

By: Margie Frisco, UHV Practicum Student
Do you find yourself looking up parenting tips? Parenting can be difficult! However, with a few easy to follow tips, the journey could be better in 2021.  Last year was a crazy and unpredictable situation.  Parenting is stressful enough, but throw in becoming an instant teacher along with the stresses of a pandemic it can be overwhelming.  Below are some tips that can help not only manage the extra stress of a pandemic, but help your relationship grow with your children.

A Few Parenting Tips


Healthy communication can be helpful in many different types of relationships.  A relationship with her child is no exception.  Taking the time to communicate with your child and hearing their perspective will help create a bond. Allowing your child to communicate their feelings will give them the voice to participate in the relationship.  Also, it will give them the tools to build their own meaningful relationships as they grow.

A child sitting at a table with markers and paper. Represents the need for family therapy to learn parenting tips in Katy, TX 77494Patience

You know that old saying, some things are easier said than done.  That truly applies here.  As a parent, I understand that it can be hard not to get frustrated when a child is not listening or following instructions, especially since many parents have become teachers overnight.  Remembering to breathe and not over react will help your relationship grow with your child, demonstrate good coping mechanisms for your child, and show your child that even parents get upset sometimes.


Being aware of our own behavior/reactions is a major way to impact our relationship with our children.  It can be the smallest of things that we do like talking under our breath, complaining about our family members/friends, or how we handle a disagreement.  Children are very observant and pick up on how we react to different situations.  Remember that children are watching and demonstrating what they see.

Demonstrating Healthy Behavior

A little boy holding open a book with a surprised look on his face. Represents the need for family counseling to learn parenting tips in Katy, TX 77494Now that there is awareness for behavior and how children are always watching, now it is time to take action.  Parents have the ability to control their behavior most of the time.  Especially when individuals are around the children action needs to be taken to show the proper reactions, empathy for others, understanding for ourselves, and grace towards our children.  For example, if you forget to send an email, jump on a zoom call, or stub our toe, if we scream out some obscenity and become frazzled, children might think that this is how they are meant to react.  Next time you or your child are late for a zoom meeting/class imagine if they began cursing or became irritable and did not change their behavior, would that be helpful for them?
When behavior cannot be controlled, it is very important for action to be taken to show children how to correct or fix the situation.  If we make a mistake or say something inappropriate, demonstrate compassion, apologize, or reconcile the behavior.  React to the situation how you would want your child to react.  For instance, if someone cuts you off while driving, a gut reaction could be to curse or yell at the other car.  If you do, take this opportunity to show your children that it is ok to make a mistake, and to make a correction.  You could explain that maybe the other car had an emergency or apologize to the other car.  This can feel silly at times to apologize to a driver that cannot hear you.  But your child heard you.

Begin Parenting Counseling In Katy, TX

If you are ready to let go of things you cannot control, Cheri can help! She provides counseling to individual men, women, and couples. To begin counseling in Katy, TX follow these three steps:

  1. Contact the office to set up an appointment or to get more information about counseling for parenting
  2. Meet with Cheri.
  3. Find ways to improve your parenting skills!

Other Therapy Services 

Cheri offers counseling services for adult individuals including: anxiety treatment, depression treatment, relationship help, and divorce recovery. She specializes in couples therapy and helps with specific issues such as: infidelity, intimacy and sexual health, and parenting Cheri strives to regularly post blogs with helpful information on a variety of mental health topics. To learn more about Cheri and her counseling services, please contact Locke Counseling and Consulting today!

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